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Can anyone help me identify this brand of screen press?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 7:05 pm
by doramey
As seems to be a common challenge for me, I can not find any info on this new screen press I just picked up. I tried to assemble it today and it seems to be missing a piece (or pieces) as the arms and clamps are very wobbly. I'm a bit new to the screen print world. The picture I'm attempting to embed here is the ONLY one I can find online. Mine is a 6 color / 6 station (unlike this 4 station) but it is clearly from the exact same company. The person who originally uploaded this picture claimed it was an "Atlas" which almost makes sense since mine has an "Atlas" sticker on it, however the company seems to be more of a broker, rather than a manufacturer.

Just really trying to figure out what parts are missing and where I could get them. Would love to identify the maker so I could find some sort of assembly schematic.


Re: Can anyone help me identify this brand of screen press?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 7:05 pm
by doramey
here's the image url since that seems to be broken... ... c00375.jpg